Winding Water River Expeditions

2016 Winter Snowpack Stacking Up

February 8, 2016

This winter’s snowpack is making us giddy for the upcoming rafting and fishing season. The  Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) website reports snowpack averages in our region as 100% or more:

So what does this map mean for our river season? All of our rivers are in great shape for the rafting season: the Snake River in Hells Canyon , the Salmon River , the Grande Ronde and the  Wallowa River. And the fish will be very happy about these flows, too. The water was a little shallow on the Wallowa and Grande Ronde Rivers last summer, making for warm temperatures for the fish.

Jordan Manley, one of our guides, enjoying this winter snowpack.

We’ll keep our oars and paddles crossed that the spring continues to bring its typical snows to the Pacific Northwest.

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