Winding Water River Expeditions

Meet the Rivers


The Snake River through Hells Canyon, the Salmon River, the Grande Ronde River, and the Wallowa River watersheds truly are the “land of winding waters”. These rivers form a dramatic landscape in northeast Oregon and western Idaho. Our passion is sharing these dramatic, wild watersheds and witnessing the positive effects these experiences have on our guests.

“Land Standing on End” is a perfect description for Hells Canyon country. As the Snake River turns north on its run to the Columbia River, it enters majestic Hells Canyon, the deepest river gorge in North America. We float the entire wild and scenic designated section of river in the heart of the massive Hells Canyon National Recreation Area. Read more about the Snake River through Hells Canyon.

Warm, crystal clear waters, beautiful white sand beaches, deep pools, and exciting class III and IV whitewater provide the perfect setting for a whitewater rafting vacation. At 425 miles in length, it’s the longest free flowing, undammed river contained within a single state in the lower 48 United States and one of the premier whitewater rafting rivers in the world. We raft the 53 mile lower river run called the “Canyons”. Read more about the Salmon River.

The Grande Ronde is a scenic river with class II and III rapids ideal for rafting vacations, of which we offer single and multiple day options. Fed by the melting snows of the Blue and Wallowa Mountain Ranges, the Grande Ronde River curves 182 miles through northeastern Oregon, then into Washington where it eventually flows into the Snake River. Read more about the Grande Ronde River.

The Wallowa is a beautiful tributary to the Grande Ronde River which we primarily fly fish for Rainbow Trout and Steelhead. This river headwaters in the Wallowa Mountain Range and flows through the verdant Wallowa Valley before entering a deep basalt cliff canyon. The canyon is where we fish and float on this scenic, class II river. Read more about the Wallowa River.

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