Winding Water River Expeditions

Grande Ronde Flows Dropping, Wallowa Good to Go…

February 16, 2015
Cam Scott

After peaking at around 12,000 cfs on Monday/Tuesday last week the Grande Ronde is down to 5,500 cfs at Troy as of Sunday night and the steelhead fishing is picking back up. With such high flows on the Grande Ronde, anglers flocked to the Wallowa River on Friday in droves and several fly fishers (including myself) experienced particularly large crowds which thinned through the weekend.

Last Saturday’s rain front drops in on Draper White and Cameron Scott at Minam Park toward dusk.

The Wallowa continued to look excellent (blue-green in color) throughout last week’s warm snap and has also been starting to drop with over night temperatures getting back down into the low 30s.

If you had the chance to get out and fish the Wallowa mid-week, the fishing was much less crowded and the steelhead are running. From now until season’s end look to Monday-Thursday to give you the most solitude on the Grande Ronde and Wallowa Rivers. For me this past week it also meant the most steelhead. I was only able to track one down over the weekend on the Wallowa among the crowds.

This week’s forecast calls for continued stabilization of weather patterns with days topping out in the 50s and nights dropping down to the 30s. Near perfect. Pinch me as I can’t quite believe it is February and not the end of March.

Egg patterns and streamers have been working well. On a personal note one steelhead rose and attempted to eat a yellow thing-a-mabobber on Friday. I switched to spey fly fishing but didn’t get a hit. So it goes.

Book one of Winding Waters River Expeditions steelhead guides today and get yourself into some chrome!

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