Winding Water River Expeditions

Grande Ronde River Steelhead Estimates Looking Good

October 3, 2014
Paul Arentsen

Current Grande Ronde River Steelhead report from ODFW Fish Biologist Jeff Yanke.  Thanks for the update Jeff.


  • As of yesterday, we’ve estimated that 18,455 of our steelhead have migrated above Bonneville Dam.  We observed between 4-5 detections per day last week, so fish are still trickling over the dam.  This is great news, since I’ve provided these estimates only the 2010-11 run (23,000 total steelhead at Bonneville) has been more robust than what we’ve observed for the 2014-15 run.


  • Fish are steadily moving upriver through the hydrosystem.  During the past week, we’ve estimated that 1,657 and 1,854 steelhead have crossed McNary and Ice Harbor Dams, respectively.  Currently over 50% of the run observed at Bonneville has crossed McNary and 40% is over Ice Harbor.


  • We estimated that 2,170 steelhead crossed Lower Granite last week, almost doubling last Monday’s estimate.  So far, approximately 32% of the Imnaha and 22% of the Grande Ronde River Steelhead run observed at Bonneville has been observed crossing Lower Granite Dam.


  • Things are still quiet closer to home in the Oregon waters of the Grande Ronde River, two new PIT tags were detected in the Imnaha River last week – bringing the year-to-date total to 4.  Still only one PIT tag detected on the Wallowa River array; however, there is a strong possibility given the detection date (6/24) that it may be a residual smolt.


  • Fishing is picking up near the mouth of the Grande Ronde at Heller Bar, indicating our steelhead are beginning to concentrate below the mouth.  Our Grande Ronde creel is also reporting consistently more catch each week, although in four days of creel only 14 fish were reported caught.
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