Winding Water River Expeditions

Opening Day of Trout Season on the Wallowa

May 24, 2009

Well it is time to start thinking about fishing in Wallowa County again. Trout Season opened on Saturday the 23rd of May and Tom thought that was a good reason to get out a see what was happening on the river. He had a difficult time finding water moving slow enough to fish in, but he sniffed it out and caught this beautiful 19″ Rainbow on a Prince Nymph. The weather has been incredible out here in Joseph and we are looking forward to a great season of trout fishing on the Wallowa and Grande Ronde Rivers.
We will do our best to keep you updated on what is giong on out here. Feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We are heading out to take the Enterprise High School graduates down Hells Canyon tomorrow, so I will let you know how the fishing is down there when I return on Thursday.

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