Winding Water River Expeditions

Record Steehead Runs 2009

September 29, 2009

As I am sure you are all aware, Steelhead are filing over the dams in record numbers this year. We are getting very excited for them to make their way up the Grande Ronde River into our favorite fishing waters. There have been good reports of fish being caught at Heller Bar, where the GR flows into the Snake. This is typical, as the fish will stack up there, waiting for the GR flows to increase and temps to cool off. The river is currently flowing 625cfs at Troy with the temperature hovering right around 60 degrees. We fully expect there to be a tremendous run of fish as soon as the flows bump up a bit and the temperature drops a bit. It is looking like the weather is going to turn and help us out. The clouds are rolling in right now and the temperature in Joseph was in the low 30’s this morning. Keep your fingers crossed for some big rains and continued cool temps.

Even with the less than optimal conditions in the river, there have been reports of Steelhead being caught above Boggan’s Oasis already. This has been encouraging.

Now that we are getting into our official Steelhead fishing season I will be posting reports more regularly to help keep y’all informed about what is really happening on the river. Please feel free to contact me any time at Winding Waters River Expeditions for any local information that you need.

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