Winding Water River Expeditions

Steelhead Coming Over Lower Granite Dam

October 11, 2012

We received a few reports from Troy this week.  Tom had a fairly slow day on Monday hooking 1 Grande Ronde River Steelhead and landing only a few Rainbows.  The other angler reported catching a nice native Steelhead above Troy on Tuesday.

Water Temperatures were reported to be in the Low 50’s at mid day.  The Grande Ronde River flows have been holding steady at about 630 cfs.

We are expecting to see some weather move in next week which should bring an increase in flows and another decrease in temperature which would both be great for encouraging Steelhead to move up out of the Snake and into the Grande Ronde River.

The return numbers are slightly off of 2011 but still there.  You can follow this link to a pdf of the  Steelhead Returns over Lower Granite Dam Graph  or you can follow this link to the actual reporting site where you can create your own graph and pay attention to the returns on your own.  We like to watch the Lower Granite numbers since that is the last dam before the fish are able to enter the Grande Ronde River.

Space still available on our October 28th 5 day Supported Steelhead Adventure.  Contact us today to join in the action.

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