Winding Water River Expeditions

Wallowa River Steelhead Report April 1st

April 1, 2010

Well, it has been snowing off and on all week. We have not been back down to the Wallowa to check it out. Yes, I guess we have become spoiled catching Steelhead in short sleeves this season. The Grande Ronde, at Troy did bump up almost 1400 cfs to 3,000 cfs on Tuesday. It seems to have settled down and is slowly dropping back to about 2600 cfs today. I have heard reports that the Wallowa never really blew out with all of this precipitation. It has definitely increased in flow but it has not turned brown yet. This could be just what the doctor ordered. A big flush of water to bring those fish out of the lower canyon and into the road accessible section. Hope to get back down there in the next few days. I will let you know what I find.

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