Winding Water River Expeditions

Wallowa River Steelhead Update February 27th 2017

February 27, 2017
Paul Arentsen

The Wallowa River Steelhead Fishing Conditions have improved greatly over the past few days.  The Wallowas are experiencing some nice cold nights and cold days basically shutting down the run off and bringing the Wallowa River into prime fishing conditions again.  I have posted the Creel report from over the weekend below.  The numbers are starting to look better and reflect this improvement in conditions.

Take a look at the Wallowa River Gauge near Water Canyon to see what the flows have done this week.

Hope to see you out there on the river.

If you would like a Steelhead Fishing guide for the day on the Wallowa or Grande Ronde, do yourself a favor and call Paul Pagano at Fly Side Angling   541.398.0180.  


If you want to see what is below Minam on a 5 Day Fall Steelhead Fishing Trip or 4 day Summer Trout Fishing Trip contact us at 541-263-1326 or

Happy Angling!






Number of sts anglers Hours








Hours per fish
LGR-Ore. Feb 24-26 2
     Total 7.3 0 0 0
LGR-Wash. Feb 24-26 82
Hatchery 24 1 25
Wild 1 1
     Total 458.8 24 2 26 17.6
Wallowa Feb 23-26 93
Hatchery 10 9 19
Wild 7 7
     Total 329.3 10 16 26 12.7
Rondowa Feb 24, 25 15
Hatchery 5 0 5
Wild 4 4
     Total 72.8 5 4 9 8.1
Imnaha Feb 22, 23 3
     Total 6.3 0 0 0
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