Winding Water River Expeditions

14 sandwiches, natural splendor and steelhead fishing

October 22, 2013
Jon Rombach

Even the view from the gas pumps is pretty in Joseph, Oregon. Look at this. Ridiculous.

And then . . . and then, while Paul, Jared Wilcox and I were driving down to pick up Mo, Todd and a merry band of steelheaders fresh off the Gronde Ronde River from a 5-day fishing float, the goldang morning light was gussying up the goldang mountains in front of a goldang picturesque barn and it’s just . . . it’s just pretty out here this time of year.

What? You want the view in the other direction? Fiiiine. Here’s the Seven Devils, looking over at Idaho.

There you go. Ridiculous.

Want to see what the forest around Wallowa County looks like right now? I’m warning you, it’s ridiculous.

Goldang western larch turning a beautiful golden hue. I don’t know how much more natural splendor I can take. I’m up to here with the splendor.

Busy-busy in the boathouse this week, as Morgan and Todd packed for another Grande Ronde River steelhead trip and Paul and I rigged for a 5-day cast & blast extravaganza on the Lower Salmon River in Idaho with Spencer Beebe and his hunting and angling associates.

Want to see what making 14 sandwiches for two steelhead trips looks like? Fine.


Steelhead are running and guide extraordinaire Tom Farnam can take you to them. Give Winding Waters a jingle and get out there on the water.

Parting shot is a pack of Joseph town pet deer lingering around the driftboat.
















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