Winding Water River Expeditions

Out of the frying pan . . . holy $#!* it’s alive again

November 27, 2012
Jon Rombach

In case you missed this . . . don’t.

Trish Feaster, seen here with a rare Snake River Smallmouth Zombie fish, has been posting writeups from the Plate & Pitchfork Wallowa County and Hells Canyon trip in September.

Check out The Travelphile for all the posts, but to see what becomes of this frisky smallmouth in the hands of chef Leather Storrs, make sure to watch the video in her Food, Friends and Frankenfish post, in particular.

A woman is holding a fish in her hand and smiling.

Thanks to Trish and Rick Steves for coming along on the trip and doing such splendid writeups. It’s almost as if they have extensive knowledge of travel writing.

Whitewater Rodeo

Part of my job here at Winding Waters is to bother Paul with new ideas for river activities. So far he’s shot every one of them down, won’t answer the phone when I call and occasionally blocks my email address, but otherwise he seems receptive.

So my next brainchild is to incorporate this interesting canoe setup I saw over around Beaverton or somewhere. I think these people might be onto something. Clearly the saddle needs to be moved back a few inches for better balance, but other than that I say this rig should be good to go.

Keeping up with Craig

It’s an established fact that whitewater guide and cowboy Craig Nichols has done everything in the known universe. Further proof of that was when I was corresponding with someone at the World Forestry Center in Portland recently and they said, “Oh, by the by, Craig Nichols was just out here performing at a fundraiser for the Maxville Heritage Center.”

Of course he was.

The Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center should be added to your list of things to appreciate on your next Wallowa County visit. Check out their website and stop in next time you pass through Wallowa.


Rivers spiked up some around Thanksgiving and settled again, so I’m heading out here in the next day or so to get after them fish. See you there.

The sun shines through the trees in the sunset

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