Winding Water River Expeditions

Solar powered Christmas gift and Wallowas covered in St. Elmo’s Ice

November 30, 2015
Jon Rombach

Imagine a world where just one thing didn’t need batteries on Christmas morning. I give you solar powered lights perfect for camping. Well, I’m not giving you anything but you can get these at the Winding Waters Boathouse Shop. The best testimonial I can give is that I was not so sure about these Luci Light things when they showed up on the rafting trip pack list, but now am a convert and have Luci lights on my own list of things to bring camping.

I was skeptical about bringing solar lanterns on the river for two reasons. One, I’m skeptical about adding anything to the list of stuff to bring on the river. Packing and unpacking a gearboat, then toting everything up and down a beach, setting it all up and taking it all down is wonderful training for pruning your idea of what’s necessary equipment.

Reason two for not being so sure about solar lights was pretty much – oh jeez, I have to leave these out in the sun? Sounds complicated if you ask me. Yeah, well, of course it’s not. Todd is a Jedi knight of organizing things and he had the Lucis right on top when we opened the kitchen box in camp. Set them on the ground. They charge up. It gets dark. Kaboom.

So it turns out these Luci lights are super tiny and light and convenient and I love them. Blow em up like a small beach ball, push the button and light comes out. It’s pretty great. Pretty handy.

They don’t throw as much light as a regular lantern, but it’s a scientific fact that regular lanterns are a pain in the ass. So there’s that. What sort of voodoo magic is going on with lantern mantles? Seriously. That whole thing confounds me.

Luci Lights. Wall Tent Tested, Gearboat Approved. Slip a couple into the stocking of your outdoor enthusiast. Available at a Winding Water River Expeditions Boathouse Shop in Joseph, Oregon near you. Open every Saturday 10 to 5 from now until Christmas

In other news: it was unusually freaking beautiful here today in the land of winding waters. Every branch, leaf and car antenna is covered in hoarfrost or frozen fog or St. Elmo’s ice – whatever this stuff is, it shore is pretty. Yes sir. Makes you just wander around looking at it all going, huh, that shore is pretty. Good one, winter. Thanks for that.









Even the icicles have this frozen hair on them. Huh.

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