Winding Water River Expeditions

Stoneflies on the Grande Ronde

June 18, 2014
Jon Rombach

Attention fly fisherpeople: large bugs seen flying and crawling amongst the waters and shores of the Grande Ronde River. Winding Waters fishing guides are standing by. Call in sick to work accordingly. Single day and overnight trips are on the roster. See our fishing page for trip options.

Pleasure floats are in full swing, splashing and giggling down Hells Canyon, the Grande Ronde and we’ll be on the lower Salmon in two shakes of a sturgeon’s tail.

Todd Kruger and I just had a great trip down the GR over Father’s Day and even got honked at by the excursion train crossing at Rondowa.

This Is How You Organize an Ammo Can

Those of you who have floated with Todd the gearboat wizard may have noticed his remarkable attention to detail. His shirts for a trip are rolled and secured with rubber bands. No kidding. My shirts are carefully thrown into a bag and secured by static electricity.

Military surplus ammunition cans make a great briefcase for personal items on the river. Toothbrush, wallet, sunscreen, alarm clock, all that jazz. Here’s a peek inside Todd’s personal ammo can. Note the containers to contain other containers. Probably alphabetical.

Compared with this view of a typical my ammo can. Empty camp soap bottle. New and old batteries intermingled so you don’t know which ones have juice left. Deck of cards with one or two missing. Backup headlamp that works occasionally. Extra lantern mantles because you never know. I did get a new tube of toothpaste for the season, though, after getting every last milli-ounce out of the last one.

Both systems have their merits, of course. I do save a lot of time by not organizing anything. But probably lose that time when I have to dump out my ammo box to find something. Ah, well.

Fish On the Barby

Got back to the boathouse from our last trip while Paul was going after some fresh salmon with the filet knife. Coming soon to a riverside barbecue. We’re trying out the cedar plank preparation method next trip and anxious to taste how that goes.

See you on the river.

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