Winding Water River Expeditions

Wallowa River fly fishing is on

July 24, 2012
Jon Rombach

Wallowa River has dropped, cleared and the trout are in an eating mood. Fished with Tom Farnam two days last week and it was so fun I went back and fished another two.

They’re taking dries like they mean it. Stimulators. Foamulators. Whatever-you-got-ulators.

Also going for the ol’ prince nymph.

Try the banks. Water still on the high side, so they’re tucked up close.

Tamkaliks Celebration in Wallowa at the Homeland Project was great again this year. Here’s a visual.

Helped Joe McCormack, Brian and Cam grill up several megatons of salmon, on Joe’s impressive grill. Great food, great event. Highly recommend it and hope to see you there next year.

This is a quickie. Got to head out, hop in the truck and head for the Salmon with Craig and Todd.

Be good.

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